Balancas Marques
ptfres CN

For more than 50 years, Balanças Marques has the ability to develop products in the area of commercial and industrial weighing, incorporating the latest technological trends and meeting the real needs of our clients in the most different commercial and industrial environments.

It’s dedicated to the Research and Development of Software for retail and industry. Created and joined in the Group in 2010.

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Acquisition in 2004 of the entire share capital of EUROPESAGEM - Comércio Internacional de Balanças, Lda, a company specialized in the distribution of commercial and industrial weighing equipment (Founded in 2001).

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Lx Pack

Official representative of the German brand ESPERA, of weighing and labeling equipment. Created in 2011.

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Balanças Marques


At Balanças Marques, we never say “no” to a good challenge. So, when Ferpinta presented us with a new project, capable of testing us, we did not think twice. And, as always, our Investigation and Development Department got to work and created a solution that would meet the clients’ needs.

Discover all about this heavy challenge:

Who is our client?
Founded in 1962, Ferpinta is a Portuguese group whose core business is the production and comercialization of steel tubes and other steel materials.
Over its long years of existence, it has been growing to become a multinational company of reference in its main sector. At the moment, it is present all over its country of origin with Ferro subsidiaries, but it also leaves its mark internationally. The exports to 34 world markets, among which are countries like Spain, Angola, Mozambique and Ivory Coast, represent nowadays around 60% of Ferpinta’s business volume. 
Its success mainly comes from its ethical position, from the focus on gaining customer’s loyalty and from its capacity to innovate and adapt rapidly to the market’s demands, which are, above all, seen as growth opportunities to the group.  

What challenge did they present us with?
Owner of seven distribution units and service centers of steel products in Portugal, Ferpinta uses weighbridges to calculate the weight of the loads transported by the vehicles come in and out of its Ferro branches. In which one of them, it’s necessary to weigh the trucks with its loads of steel products and it’s mandatory to make a manual control of the licence plates and other characteristics of the vehicles, in a long process that takes a great amount of time.
Always searching for ways to increase its capacity of responding to the market’s current needs, in 2018, the company decided to acquire a innovative weighing solution that would expedite the day to day on these units.
The challenge was then presented to Balanças Marques, who promptly started to work on the project to find a way to facilitate the weighing and the processing of vehicles in the group’s distribution centers. 

What solution did we present them with?
Faced with the challenge presented by Ferpinta, Balanças Marques’ development team worked on its traditional weighbridge to adapt it to the several needs of Ferro’ service centers.
Today, in its distribution units, it’s possible to find a innovative weighing solution that uses the most recent technologies in favour of process optimization. 
Integrated with a system of automatic licence plates’ detection, the weighbridge in each one of these centers now allows an easier and quicker registration of the vehicles, expediting the truck’s processing. The new platform also ensures a greater reliability, since it enabled the comparison between the theoretical weight billed by Ferpinta and the actual weight of the load, a very valuable information to the company.
Furthermore, on a step that is intended as a facilitating factor for Ferro’s customers as well, this weighbridge includes the installation and connection to mupis that allow a greater interactivity with the truck’s drivers, who started to have access to a guide and several data concerning the vehicle’s weighing.

All these changes performed on our traditional weighingbridge platform allowed the company to reach its goals and really come to facilitate and optimize the weighing at Ferro’s. Ferpinta group is, therefore, very satisfied with the presented solution and with the decision to work in partnership with Balanças Marques.